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Westside Preparatory Charter: Westside (Elementary) Campus

Westside Preparatory Charter: Westside (Elementary) Campus

School Site Council

The Westside Preparatory Charter School is governed by a School Site Council consisting of the principal/administrator, lead teachers from each campus, one staff member, three (voting) parents, and one student from each campus. Congratulations to our 20-21 SSC Election Winners (new members)!

Duties and responsibilities include:
1. Developing annual goals for the school with input from the TRUSD Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee;
2. Receiving reports from and providing recommendations to the Executive Committee;
3. Assessing goals, objectives, achievements, financial status and any need for redirection;
4. Approving the yearly budget operated by the School Site Council and any fiscal expenditures greater than $750 which are not included in the budget;
5. Advising on the annual assessment of the educational program of the Frontier Campus
6. Reviewing and approving changes in the bylaws annually or as needed;
7. Recommending amendments to the Charter as needed.
The Bylaws call for our School Site Council to meet a minimum of six times per year.  All School Site Council meetings are open to the public and are currently being held on Zoom. Please inquire with our school office if you wish to join our meetings!